

Officially 20!

May,7th 2016
The girl who was born in 1996 becomes 20.
Time goes as fast as it can. I feel like, I just celebrated my Seventeen birthday yesterday.

"Soooo... Welcome to 20~ "
Some people said. And this morning I thought that Allah already gave me 20 years to live. Sudahkah aku bersyukur sebanyak itu? Sudahkah ngasih yang terbaik?

The answer is no. Kebanyakan ngeluh sih, iya. And the day is still moving, the time is still going fast.

I also realized that in this age, one by one my suppoter had gone. And I have to stand up with my own legs (..... you know what I meant.right? It doesnt mean that I used someone else's legs all these time #garing) It means without that hand that push me to stand up, now I have to. with all my strengths. #salsaperkasa #salsamacho

And for all problems,the way I faced them suddenly changed. I tried to see it with someone else's perspective and it helps. It helps me understand their position and to make a move.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah for my parents that love me, that days in my childhood that full of joy, that days in junior and senior high school that is incredibly fun, the teacher who always support us whenever we go, these days I spent in college, for the laughter I shared with my friends, for my family and friends that gave me a lot of happiness, for the problems and tears that gave me a lot of lessons.And alhamdulillah for all the prayers that people sent to me. Aamiin ya rabbal alamin. The same pray goes to you :)

p.s : the cake is as good as it looks.

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